How does it work?
You sign up and create an account
Pay the registration fee of 15 USD for entry on a list (NEST) with other users (SEEDERS)
There are always 10 SEEDERS in a NEST and you enter on position 10
If previously in the NEST there were - let's call them - A, B, C, D, E SEEDERS - once you register the NEST reconfigure, becoming B, C, D, E, X-you
Each of the SEEDERS A, B, C, D, E receives 1 USD out of the 15 USD
The difference of 5 USD will be the commission charged by the application from each user upon registration
You can invite 4 more people to log in the app.
Suppose that SEEDER Y, your friend, joins your NEST, following the same steps, the NEST becomes C, D, E, X-you, Y-your friend.
As you can see, with the entry of a new SEEDER in NEST, NEST is reconnfigured as follows:
The new SEEDER enters on position 10
The one who was on position 10 climbs to position 9
The one who was on position 9 climbs to position 8
The one who was on position 8 climbs to position 7
The one who was on position 7 climbs to position 6
The one who was on position 6 climbs to position 5
The one who was on position 5 climbs to position 4
The one who was on position 4 climbs to position 3
The one who was on position 3 climbs to position 2
The one who was on position 2 climbs to position 1
The one who was initially on position 1 leaves the current NEST