Money SEEDS is an application through which you can earn money by paying a registration fee of 15 USD.
After registering and creating an account, a user must join a list (NEST) to enjoy all the benefits of this application. If the user does not already have a list (NEST) suggested by a friend, he can join any NEST in the application.
How does it work?
  • You sign up and create an account
  • Pay the registration fee of 15 USD for entry on a list (NEST) with other users (SEEDERS)
  • There are always 10 SEEDERS in a NEST and you enter on position 10
  • If previously in the NEST there were - let's call them - A, B, C, D, E SEEDERS - once you register the NEST reconfigure, becoming B, C, D, E, X-you
  • Each of the SEEDERS A, B, C, D, E receives 1 USD out of the 15 USD
  • The difference of 5 USD will be the commission charged by the application from each user upon registration
  • You can invite 4 more people to log in the app.
  • Suppose that SEEDER Y, your friend, joins your NEST, following the same steps, the NEST becomes C, D, E, X-you, Y-your friend.
  • As you can see, with the entry of a new SEEDER in NEST, NEST is reconnfigured as follows:
  • The new SEEDER enters on position 10
  • The one who was on position 10 climbs to position 9
  • The one who was on position 9 climbs to position 8
  • The one who was on position 8 climbs to position 7
  • The one who was on position 7 climbs to position 6
  • The one who was on position 6 climbs to position 5
  • The one who was on position 5 climbs to position 4
  • The one who was on position 4 climbs to position 3
  • The one who was on position 3 climbs to position 2
  • The one who was on position 2 climbs to position 1
  • The one who was initially on position 1 leaves the current NEST
  • What conditions must I meet in order to benefit from the advantages offered by MONEY SEEDS?
    We invite you to first read the MONEY SEEDS Terms and Conditions of Use.
    You must be 18 years old, have a bank account, create an account in our application and pay the registrationn fee of 15 USD.
    How secure is MONEY SEEDS?
    All transfers are secure and your money is always in sight in the app.
    Is there a risk of losing money?
    The only amount you pay is the registration fee of 15 USD. All the money accumulated by the entry of new SEEDERS in the NESTS is visible in the application.
    The money is not reinvested, it is not directed to third parties, it is always in the application, visible.
    Where will be the money I earned?
    The sum is visible in the application.
    How many accounts can I create in MONEY SEEDS?
    How many accounts you want. Each account is separate and involves the payment of a registration fee of 15 USD. However, for each registered account, it is good to invite a maximum of 4 friends that you can count on to sign up for the application. That's the only way we can grow together.
    Do I have to declare my income to the Tax Office?
    Yes! We are a legal entity and we respect the law and we advise everyone to do the same. According to the law, any income must be declared to the tax authorities.
    When I get from position 10 to position 1 in a NEST and then get ouf of NEST does that mean I have no chance of winning?
    The user who reached this first position is the one who reached the maximum potential of the NEST of which he is a part, so he ended a cycle and enjoyed the fruits of his work. From this point, he can repeat the same steps (but remember one thing: more NESTS means more money).
    When can I get my earnings?
    Whenever you want, after accumulating at least 10 USD in your application account.
    Money Seeds

    Email: contact@money-seeds.com

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